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My Soundly Sleeping Toddler Digital Class

In this class you will learn:

  •  what normal sleep looks like for a 1-year-old, toddler or preschooler.
  •  The most common sleep difficulty triggers for toddlers ( known as sleep thieves) and preschoolers.
  • how to overcome bedtime resistance and create a bedtime that your toddler actually looks forward to.
  • how to handle nap refusal & help your toddler rest during the day
  • how to help your toddler understand and manage their big feelings and emotions and relax ready to rest or sleep.
  • How to set firm but loving boundaries for sleep.

 All techniques methods and strategies taught in class are gentle,evidence-based, respectful of age and stage of development

This Digital class/workshop is a recording of a class taught In July 2020.